100 acts
Let’s work together for the betterment of this city!

100 acts

100 acts is a campaign of the Tampere Pentecostal church, which is our centennial celebration. The purpose of this campaign is to encourage us to do good in our communities.
We invite you to be a part of this campaign through giving suggestions for helping communities, and engaging in one or more ways with your friends or cell group for the betterment of your community. The idea is that each one of these 100 acts:
- Helps Tampere city in some way
- Executed with someone
- Executed outside of the church building in the community
- Is told in advance as a part of this campaign
100 acts team members also suggest and plan projects for which others can sign up. You may also have some project going on currently that becomes a part of this campaign, and advertise it in the sign-up form and marking it as open.