English Service on Sundays at 5 pm in Alasali


Come just as you are!

In the English Service (ES) you will meet people from all over the world. We all share a common desire to know God and to make Him known.

We seek to worship God, our Creator and Lord in Spirit and in Truth. We gather together to celebrate His awesome love and express our gratitude towards Him. We want to serve one another, our community and beyond being motivated by the love of Christ and with the gifts and abilities that we have received from Him.

Communion every last ES of the month.

Iltakirkko United

Every month ES holds a joint service with Finnish Evening Service (Iltakirkko) that brings us all together as one church. During these meetings both English and Finnish are used throughout the service but the sermon is given in Finnish. Interpretation is available in English, read more here.


English Service
Service for the English speaking community.
English Service
Service for the English speaking community.
English Service
Service for the English speaking community.
English Service
Service for the English speaking community.

More info

Please follow us on Social media to receive more detailed schedule updates:

For kids

Children are more than welcome at the ES. They form a very important part of our community!

Skidikirkko (Children’s Church)
Skidikirkko for ages 3–11 takes place every Sunday 4.45–6.30 pm in Ylisali (4th floor) – if you are unsure where it is, please ask for directions. This is a joint activity with the Finnish Evening service (Iltakirkko) which combines a fun mix of Bible message, crafts, and games. Children under school age should be escorted to – and collected from the venue.

4.45–5 pm Entry time
5–6.30 pm Bible learning and activites
6.30–6.40 pm Pickup time of under school aged

Adults can spend time in Seimi with children aged 0–2 during services. Services from the main hall are streamed to Seimi via television.

If you would like to volunteer to help with this ministry or have any questions – please fill out the contact form below!

In addition, Tampere Pentecostal Church has a broad range of ministries for children and youth, including Royal Rangers, summer camps, and youth evenings. See website for more details (in Finnish).


Cell groups

Cell groups are great to get connected with others in our fellowship. In the cell groups you will be encouraged, and grow in Christ. They are an integral part of our church’s life together. Cell groups meet through out the week in people’s homes or in other locations as decided in the groups to delve deeper into God’s Word, share testimonies, serve one another and build deeper friendships.

Please fill out the form to let us know that you would like to join a cell group.

Cell group leader, please give us an update on your group. Your cell group information will be handled confidentially.

Contact us

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